Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2018

Red Nest - "gold" food for women

Swallow Nest - Using scientific and more effective, "Dr. Nguyen Thi Lam will share the knowledge necessary to help women use Salanganes'Nest right and effective way to maintain health and beauty.

Red Nest - "gold"food for women

In addition to foster physical and mental force, Red Nest is also widely recognized as a "powerful aide" in the maintenance of health and beauty for women. Red Nest components contain multiple threonine is formed elastine and collagen help prevent aging and maintain youthful skin, extends the definition of youth for women. Furthermore, oat only natural sugars galactose, but not fat, you can use every day without fear of gaining weight. Women eating oats regularly will be less prone to pimples, freckles, stain, moreover also has smooth skin, specifically slow down the aging process.
Generally women of any age to use oats are also suitable. Especially, when you step on the aging period after age 30, the amount of collagen begins to decline, causing the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, around the eyes. Also if your body is in a state of exhaustion due to illness, surgery or after birth, the number of red blood cells is impaired, fatigue, weight loss, weak resistance. Subjects also use supplement Salanganes'Nest is pregnant women (pregnant after 03 months) to increase nutrients for both mother and fetus. If pregnant women eat oats, then it is before 01 small and track before the start of regular use.
Red Nest - "gold" food for women
Red Nest - "gold" food for women

Use oats to keep health and beauty

You may buy raw oats homemade or buy the processed Red Nests reputation. With raw oats, after cleaning, can be processed into many dishes: Red Nest Diploma ginkgo, oats lotus seeds, oats Diploma milk, oats coconut, soup crab oats, meat soup click the nest, nest them candy lotus seed ... These are delicious and very good for health as well as the "consolidation" of beauty for women.
However, you need to distinguish of oats as 01 delicious "snacks" or eating oats to supplement the long-term. For if only to enjoy the occasional food 01 times, effectively by the use of reasonable diet from 01 small doses suitable (about 70ml/lan) in the long run. Not to mention the processed raw oats very time consuming, if not carefully cleaned of all dust and feathers. In addition to raw oats, can purchase the products processed Red Nests for regular use, but should consider selecting products with prestigious brands, the production of GMP, HACCP, ISO, no matter preservation to ensure raw oat extract.
Time to eat Red Nest - as mentioned previously - is on an empty stomach in the morning or the evening before going to bed for the best nutrients are absorbed.
Addition oats supplements, diet of pregnant mothers should note that all four food groups, diverse sources of food to be more delicious meal, eat many small meals throughout the day instead of eating a few meals most difficult to digest. Women should exercise regularly every week (on average 03 times / week, 30-45 minutes / time) to become stronger.
Children and students, students between the ages of comprehensive development of both physical and intellectual resources needed supplements. The fourth article of the topics will provide readers with sufficient knowledge about the use of Red Nests for this object.

Red Nests for the elderly, the sicker

* The use of Red Nests with the elderly, the sick

As stated in the previous period, Red Nests will be used to foster health and increased vitality. In particular, in addition to the 18 amino acids, Red Nests are rich in Proline (5.27%), aspartic acid (4.69%), precious elements such as Ca, Fe, Mn, Br, Cu, Zn, Cr, helps digestion more, increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, stimulate cell growth, restore damaged cells. Therefore, oat dish perfectly suited for the elderly, the sick used to nourish and restore health. Red Nest is very efficient for cases of prolonged illness, the resistance decreased, the patient emaciated, poor digestion, memory loss surgery cases, after treatment of infection identical, to recuperate ... also very suitable for use Red Nest regularly.
The family can buy homemade raw oats for the elderly and the sick food supplements. However, it should be considered as raw oats take a lot of time processing, sophisticated cooking, nutritional content in each nest slightly higher up the sick body can not absorb all at once, a waste . In addition, the current market there are many products processed Red Nests are popular because they can promote all the effects of this delicacy and convenient long-term use in appropriate doses.
Red Nests for the elderly, the sicker
Red Nests for the elderly, the sicker

* How to use effective Red Nests

With natural Red Nest, after preliminary processing and cleaning, we can with candy, steamed or after pouring and a little chicken broth to eat, delicious and nutritious. To have long-term effects should be for the elderly, patients using regular oats for a long time, slowly add the appropriate doses per day about 70 ml syrup. Can refer to the type of natural oats are processed, bottled, with just enough for one day use.
To nutrients in effective Salanganes'Nest good time shall eat oats are also very important and should be used on an empty stomach, in the morning before eating and at night before going to bed.
For patients being treated, so used Salanganes'Nest after taking about 02 hours to avoid affecting the effects of the drug and can promote the best use of the nest. It is possible for patients to use Red Nests in the form of pre-processing, each about 70 ml syrup jar is enough for 01 days.
People with diabetes, high blood pressure, it is best to use the probe according to the doctor's advice before starting to eat regular oats. Red Nest is 4.56% leucine-quality play a relatively important role in the process of adjusting the amount of sugar in the blood. There are also Soleucine 2.04% of the amino acid plays a vital role in the rehabilitation process, and helps regulate blood sugar and supports the formation of hemoglobin and blood clots.
Dietary Supplements nest is not enough, you should read other combination therapies for the elderly, the sick healthy. Should be combined with a balanced diet, adequate nutrition, rich in antioxidants, rich in B vitamins, and exercise mode sports gently 30-45 minutes / day.
Women are very interested in the issue to keep in shape, beauty. In the period following article, I will give the effect of this delicacy for women, as well as pay attention to eat Red Nest.

4 Reasons Why You Can Trust and Buy Premium Red Nest From Us

That’s the normal norms that people definitely hesitated much whether or not to purchase something from a new brand, especially something that need to go from your mouth down through your throat and into your stomach, and when it costs a dime.
So read on, you’ll definitely feel safer and more comfortable about buying Company's Red Nest products through online after that. Trust us!

1. Legit Company

We are legal entities. There’s no reason for us to scam you, or maybe worse, to sell fake or low quality products to you.
If you want to, you can call us to validate our products, which all our numbers are stated on our website or social media, or visit our website to find out more about us. If you would like to, on a case-to-case basis, we can even arrange for you to take a look at our samples, or to pay a visit to our processing plant.
4 Reasons Why You Can Trust and Buy Premium Red Nest From Us
4 Reasons Why You Can Trust and Buy Premium Red Nest From Us

2. We Have All Food Safety Management Systems Certifications

In line with our commitments to our consumers, Company's Red Nest is accredited with HACCP and ISO22000 Food Safety Management System certified by World Certification Services, who is an internationally recognized certification body.
We have HALAL certification, and has been listed in HALAL Whitelist, which Muslim consumers can safely consume our products too!
All these are a testament to our commitment to ensure our products consistently meet the highest food safety standards, complementing the great tasting and 100% pure Red Nest products that Company is famous for.

3. We Have Our Own Bird’s Houses and Processing Plant

We have our own bird houses in Tanjung Karang and Rawang, and a production plant in Kajang, which has a workforce of more than 30 personnel dedicatedly to produce a high quality Red Nest every month.
Furthermore, we have been in the Red Nest industry for more than 10 years, and because it has been a family business, from 1 year old baby to 70 years old folks, we consume the exact same products which we sell, on a regular basis.

4. Promises In Quality

Every Red Nest that carries our name is guaranteed to be:
– 100% pure and genuine without any additional ingredients (example: aloe vera, white fungus and so on)
– Not bleached nor chemically treated with any form
– Free from coloring, additives and preservatives
– Strict quality control and safe packaging
We also customize our products according to your events, IE: baby shower / baby full moon / corporate events / launching / birthday and etc.

Reasons Why Men Should Consume Red Nest Frequently

Nowadays, we see many people falling sick and contracting various illnesses and diseases in the modern society. Health problems start to appear as early as early 30 or even younger. This is due to the pace of work, stress from work and also caused by smoking and drinking. Hence, health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure and it, start to rise. According to worldwide statistics, the average lifespan of males is lesser by 2-3 years as compared to that of females.
Red Nest is considered one of the top nourishment products for all of us. It possesses properties of being able to strengthen our lungs and hearts, improve our stamina and kidney health, and at the same time nourish our skin.
Nowadays, many male celebrities also consume Red Nest frequently to combat fatigue, keep them healthy and also to slow down aging. Celebrities like Jackie Chan, Aaron Kwok, Louis Koo, Simon Yam and etc are the examples of men who consume Red Nest on a regular basis. There is also a report that Andy Lau always consume Red Nest before his concert to help him maintain the energy to perform throughout his concerts.
Reasons Why Men Should Consume Red Nest Frequently
Reasons Why Men Should Consume Red Nest Frequently

#1. Nourishment for the Lungs

In this society, where there are a high number of smokers amongst all men, drinking alcohol are one of the things that men will do during social activities. Red Nest is actually one irreplaceable source of lungs nourishment, Long term consumption of Red Nest is extremely beneficial for all smokers, as it helps to “cleanse” the lungs.

#2. Recover Stamina & Energy

Red Nest is good for working adults in this busy society as working overtime is a common thing, which it will make people feeling very lethargic and drop in immunity levels. Hence, consuming Red Nest helps to recover stamina, restores energy, and improves immunity because of its high nutritional value.

#3. For a Better Complexion

Men also need to take care of their skin and complexion. Hence, consume Red Nest regularly is actually beneficial for men’s skin to appear smoother and more radiant as Red Nest is rich in protein and collagen, which is proven will improves skin complexion and quality. Moreover, the properties of Red Nest also help to strengthen the nails, promote hair growth and improves joint health.

#4. Improve Condition Of Internal Organs

Consumption of Red Nest can help to improve and maintain the condition of our internal organs. With healthy internal organs, we would be better protected against common health problems such as common illness ie: fever, cough and etc.


It is safe to say that men who eat Red Nest regularly is not exaggerating at all. It is not something that ONLY female can consume regularly.
Besides, the older generation of men, we also highly recommend men of the younger generation to start learning about the benefits of consuming Red Nest regularly. Because you only live once, so treat your body better.
Every superhero needs a healthy body, not to mention your dad need a healthier body, doesn’t he?
To show your love and appreciation to your father, pamper him with any of our premium Red Nest products!

Red Nest of Company

Birds is rare Red Nest, they live in herds in many countries in Southeast Asia.
Red Nest is very smart birds, they live in pairs faithful. Twice a year they nest and lay three litters. Females and males take turns nesting within 30 days, and the female lays two eggs. Every morning from about 5am, flew out of the nest to feed, to about 17h-18h birds will fly the nest. We flew for about 12 to 14 hours not think (bird park on the organization).
Each day we flew about 200 km, the main food of the Red Nest are insects in the air such as: Flies, ants, termites, Ray Brown, Ray Green ....
Living the life cycle of a Red Nest for about 8 years. Red Nest can hear ultrasound and nest somewhere, we never go elsewhere. Each nest weighs about 7 grams to 10 grams.
Currently, the Red Nest is commonly used because it is very complementary foods for health and cure many diseases.
The composition of nutrients contained in Red Nests and their effects:
Protein (50-60%), high protein, but the amount of fat (lipid) is very low (~ 0%).
Red Nest of Company
Red Nest of Company

Amino acids:

+ Glycine (1.99%) is good for the skin.
+ Valine (4.12%) healed muscle cells and formation of new cells.
+ Leucine (4.56%) to adjust the amount of sugar in the blood.
+ Isoleucine (2.04%) recovery of health.
+ Threonine (2.69%) is good for the liver activity, strengthen the immune system and promote the body to absorb nutrients.
+ Methionine (0.46%) support the fight against arthritis, good for muscles.
+ Proline (5.27%) and aspartic acid (4.69%) growth and recovery of tissues, muscles, and skin cells.
+ Phenylalanine (4.50%) by the brain and improve memory.
+ Histidine (2.09%) helps the body to develop muscle and associated tissues.
+ Lysine (1.75%) increased ability to absorb calcium and keep bones strong, anti-aging spine.
+ Tyrosine (3.58%) Quick recovery work when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells.
+ Cysteine ​​(0.49%) improve memory, nerve impulse conduction, increase the absorption of vitamin D from sunlight.
+ Tryptophan (0.7%) to prevent cancer.
+ Other amino acids: alanine (1.4%), serine (1.87%), glutamic acid (3.6%).Carbohydrates (20-30%):
+ Fucose (0.7%) and galactose (16.9%) impact on brain development and cell communication.
+ N-acetylglucosamine (5.3%) to help restore joint cartilage which in the case of osteoarthritis
+ N-acetylgalactosamine (7.3%) related to the function of synapses, the connections between nerve cells, and if the deficiency can cause serious impact on memory.
+ N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) (8.6%) recovered quickly when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells, enhance immunity,, repelling bacteria, viruses.

The essential mineral for the body: Fe (27.9%), calcium+ Cu (5.87%), Zn (1.88%), bromine, manganese: good for the nerves and memory.

+ Chromium: digestion.+ Selenium: anti-aging, anti-radiation.

Red Nest With Ginseng

Ginseng is a slow-growing plant with a forked-shaped root, which is similar to the legs of a person. Ginseng itself has various classifications such as Asian ginseng (red ginseng, fresh ginseng, white ginseng, and wild ginseng) and American ginseng.
What is used the most for medical purpose is the root of the ginseng, though the leaf is also sometimes used. Limited research shows that ginseng has various benefits including roles as a stimulant, type II diabetes treatment, and cure for sexual dysfunction in men. Ginseng is also used in herbal teas, energy drinks, or cosmetic materials.
Red Nest With Ginseng
Red Nest With Ginseng

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginseng is claimed to calm the body, restore the health, and boost the energy. However, some overdose use of ginseng might lead to some symptoms. Therefore, it is important to consume it in the correct amount.
Ginseng, if combined with the Red Nest, might provide unlimited health benefits as each of them has numerous benefits themselves. One of the perfect combinations for Red Nest and ginseng is through a high-protein dessert, like this Red Nest with Ginseng & Rock Sugar recipe:


- 3 pieces of dry Red Nest
- 10 grams of sliced ginseng
- 100 grams of rock sugar
- 300 ml water

How to cook:

1. Soak Red Nest in clear water for at least 4 hours, and change the water to soak it again for another 2 hours. Observe that the Red Nest becomes soft and expand from its original shape.
2. Dispose water used to soak the Red Nest with filter.
3. Rinse the ginseng.
4. Place the Red Nest and ginseng with 200 ml of hot water and simmer for 1.5 hours.
5. Add rock sugar and stir for 10-15 minutes until the Red Nest is soft. Simmer for another 30 minutes.
6. Let it cool down for 15 minutes, then serve.

How to Prepare The Red Nest

To bring out the best out of the Red Nest, we should carefully treat and prepare the Red Nest during preparation prior to cooking. This process is important to make sure we do not accidentally dispose all the benefits contained in the Red Nest.

How to Prepare The Red Nest

The process of preparing the general Red Nest is the same whether you want to cook it for soup, dessert, cake or any dishes: soak and rinse the dried Red Nest with clean water for several hours; clean it using tweezers; change the water and soak it for another hour until the Red Nest is soft and expanding from its original shape.
After going through these steps, generally the Red Nest is cleaned from any unwanted grime and ready to cook with any other ingredients, to serve the best delicacy for your loved ones. However, our Red Nest products are all clean and dry at its finest grade.
How to Prepare The Red Nest
How to Prepare The Red Nest

Red Nest for Healing Power

Soup in Chinese tradition is used to heal, improve stamina, and usually served not only for sick person but also for the whole family. In Chinese cuisine, soup is widely cooked with various ingredients, which one of those is Red Nest.
Red Nest has been consumed for possibly in 1200 years in China. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Red Nest has a high nutritional and medicinal value as anti-cancer, anti-aging, and a long list of health benefits, including for healing power. Although it is among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, Red Nest still has high demand due these benefits mentioned.
Although some sources mentioned that there is no scientific explanation yet regarding the benefits claimed, but a recent medical research by Hong Kong Chinese University reported that the cell division enzyme and hormone of Red Nest can promote reproduction and regeneration of human cells. In addition, it helps to promote the immune system and enhance body metabolism.
Hence, 1-2 hours prior to sleep is the best time to consume Red Nest, because it is the time when cell division takes place several times faster than the other time of the day. According to the registered nutrition therapists recommendations, regular consumption of Red Nest may gives better results in two serving methods:
(1) 1 to 2 bowls per week
(2) 1 to 2 tablespoons per day
However, unlike the other Traditional Chinese Medicine – as said before – Red Nest is uniquely be consumed and enjoyed as food. In Hong Kong, a bowl of Red Nest’s Soup would cost USD $ 30 to USD $ 100. Boiled with rock sugar, then it becomes the delicacy called Red Nest’s Soup.

'Red Nest Sonata' make readers cry

A newspaper in France after the acquisition and posted the photos touched by the love of life and death of a pair Stefanie state has run out of consumption published in the shortest time.
The photo is accidentally a photographer snapped back on the road recounted stories of special li touched of double swallow: "girl" then along the road, circling close to the road, hit a was rushed to the car.

"Girl" was injured, the situation is very critical ... "The guy" where fly to bring food for the "sweetheart" to comfort "her."
At the "boys" fly feeding again return to the "girl" is dead. "Boy" seems to want to call the "girls" get up, trying his best to call the "girls" up.
When the "boys" discovered she really is dead and can not return with you, it was back to the sky crying. "The guy" kept standing besides "girls", the whole world as deposited. "The guy" suffering, desperate stand forever define "love" ...
A simple love story to give it, but took away the tears of thousands of public to witness it through the photos. Do not know many people still think that "animals do not have brains and feelings"?